key words: au pair in Nepal internship Nepal Nepalese life dadeldhura Doti Nepal , praktika in Nepal , scholarship for internship in Nepal , volunter service in Nepal , culture study in Nepal volunteer program in Nepal , Praktikum in Nepal Nepali people traditional life of Nepali people, trekking area, internships , 3months internship in Nepal village
This is the nearest market area from our village. You can go this market to buy different things that you need.
Some more photos of our village, your internship place in Nepal

The children have to work in the field in the morning and then they go to school during the day time. When they finish their school, then again they have to help their parents in different things. That means they can learn only in the school. However, there are not enough teachers in the school. The school has five classes but only three teachers. We look for interns who can help the children in learing.

This is one of the typical house in Nepal village. You will stay in any one of such houses. We will try to help you in all possible ways to make your stay very comfortable and easy.